The fee is $120 for an adult and $80 for a child/student/senior.

Appointments can last up to 50 minutes.

When your booking confirmation will arrive by email, please complete and submit the online New Patient Form at least one day before the treatment. This will help to provide more time for your treatment.

If your Health fund covers osteopathy, please bring your Health fund card with you to the appointment. 

The address is: Sunshine Beach Osteopaths, 39 Nairana Rest, Noosa Heads, Qld 4567

Nairana Rest is situated on a steep hill. You can park in the driveway, or in the street.
The entrance is the front door. Reached via a relatively steep path from the driveway.
Please sit on the bench outside the front door, where you will be greeted at your appointment time.

If you have an increased temperature, cough, sore throat or runny nose the morning of the appointment, please email and reschedule.

We look forward to seeing you at Sunshine Beach Osteopaths.